coach success hero

I help SME CEOs Manage, Organize, and Structure their Business for Growth with Effective Business Management Systems by offering a tailor-made consultation on strategy, technology, business transformation and risk management. My team and I will help you to unlock the power of your business process, teams, and technologies your organization is using to run your business, so you can confidently plan, design & manage your business risk

We help our clients achieve uncommon growth by providing below listed consulting services

  1. Organize your business Workshop for SMEs
  2. Small business risk management consulting
  3. Business strategic Planning Consulting
  4. Technology Audits and Internal control advisory consulting
  1. Small business risk management consulting: A smaller business does not equate to smaller risks. Most small and medium business owners understand there are risks associated with running a company but don’t take risk planning and management as seriously as they should. A small firm can face the same problems as a big firm but will not have the same cash reserves or resources on standby required to recover quickly. They may struggle to replace business-critical equipment if it breaks unexpectedly, will not have a whole team of people to manage a PR disaster, and may not have the cash needed to fight a lawsuit as a larger organization would have.

    Even if you’re super careful, the odds are that at some point, something will happen that presents a threat to your business. Identifying and understanding the risks you face starts with putting together robust risk management and recovery plan. This helps minimize the impact of issues your business may encounter, allowing it to get back on its feet in no time if the worst should happen.

    Thinking about how to get this done and build a robust risk management program for your business? You are at the right place!

    My team and I will help you build a robust risk management program that would help you identify, understand, prevent, protect, recover from risks and stay informed about the residual risk within your business.

    • Business strategic Planning Consulting: Operating without a strategic plan is like sitting in the passenger seat of your own business. You see it accelerate into overdrive and pass one milestone after another. Eventually, however, you helplessly watch as it swerves aimlessly or, worse, crashes and burns. Strategic planning puts you behind the steering wheel. It serves as a roadmap that defines the direction a company must travel, and that helps leaders prepare for potential roadblocks. Companies and markets without this foundation and foresight are far more likely to get lost, stuck, or wrecked. It’s common to confuse a strategic plan with a business plan, which is used to start a business, obtain funding, or direct operations and generally covers one year.

      A strategic plan, on the other hand, is about high-level thinking and generally looks at 3 to 5 years. It can be created at any time and should be regularly revisited.

      Taking the time to identify exactly where your business and your executive team are headed (and how you’ll get there) can help mitigate the risks associated with business growth.

      Work with Coachsuccessojo to refocus on your foundational purpose, your goals, development your opportunities and reintroduce you to “the big picture.” increased profitability and market share.

      • Technology Audits and Internal control advisory consulting: Information Technology ("IT") Is Becoming Increasingly Important to Your Business Strategy, Operations, and Internal Audit. Businesses rely heavily on strategic IT capabilities and commodity services such as email and network access. If system availability, reliability and confidentiality are not maintained and aligned with the business needs, then overall business performance can be significantly impacted.

        Through my IT Audit & Risk Advisory consulting, my team would help you protect your organization’s information systems, ensure compliance with regulatory requirements and provide insights to leverage IT controls to reduce risk and gain competitive advantage.

        Work with Coachsuccessojo and her team of certified professionals and your organization will receive guidance from IT assurance professionals with decades of IT consulting and audit experience across a multitude of industries. Such guidance is complemented by professional accreditations, such as:

        • Certified Information Systems Auditor (“CISA”)
        • Certified Information Systems Security Professional (“CISSP”)
        • Certified Ethical Hacker (“CEH”)
        • Certified Information security manager (“CISM”)
        • Certified Hacking forensic investigator (“CHFI”)
        • Certified Hacking forensic investigator (“CHFI”)
        • Certified in Risk & Information System Controls (“CRISC”)